DigiMulti Team

Hilde Thyness, stipendiat

Lise Iversen Kulbrandstad, professor

Kristin Vold Lexander, prosjektleder

Internasjonale samarbeidspartnere:

Jannis Androutsopoulos, Universität Hamburg

Egle Celesiene, Lithuanian College of Democracy

Jim Cummins, University of Toronto

Åsa Palviainen, University of Jyväskylä

Hilde Thyness is a PhD fellow at the DigiMulti project. She holds a masters degree in French and has six years experience from teaching at lower secondary school. In the project, she will focus on digital interaction between Lithuanian parents and teachers in Norwegian schools. 

Kristin Vold Lexander leads the DigiMulti project. She holds a PhD in linguistics and has been studying multilingualism in digital interaction for the last 15 years. In the project, she will focus on digital workplace interaction between Lithuanian employers and Norwegian employees.

Labas! Mano vardas Kristin. Aš mokausi  skaitmeninio bendravimo kalbų  tarp  lietuvių ir norvegų darbe.  Aš moku tik kelis sakinius lietuviškai. Aš gyvenu ūkyje. Mes turime karvių. Aš turiu tris vaikus.
