
Our book is out!

Multilingual families in a digital age. Mediational repertoires and Transnational Practices is published in the Routledge Critical Studies in Multilingualism series, with series editors Marilyn Martin-Jones and Joan Pujolar. It was launched Friday 2 June, at MultiLing Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan at the University of Oslo (see photos), where the research was initially carried out in the Multilingualism and mediated communication project with Jannis Androutsopoulos. Through our continued collaboration in the DigiMulti project, we have been able to write it up in this book. The book comes in both hardback and e-book, and Chapter 6 ‘Doing family’ online: Translocality, connectivity and affection is open access.

Center director Unn Røyneland, former center director Elizabeth Lanza, Åsa Palviainen, Xiao Lan Curdt-Christiansen, Marilyn Martin-Jones and Mar Gueye contributed to the launch. We thank everyone who have assisted and supported us in our work!

Book blurb

This book offers new insights into transnational family life in today’s digital age, exploring the media resources and language practices parents and children employ toward maintaining social relationships in digital interactions and constructing transnational family bonds and identities.

The book seeks to expand the boundaries of existing research on family multilingualism, in which digital communication has been little studied until now. Drawing on ethnographic studies of four families of Senegalese background in Norway, Lexander and Androutsopoulos develop an integrated approach which weaves together participants’ linguistic choices for situated interaction, the affordances of digital technologies, and the families’ language and media ideologies. The book explores such key themes as the integration of linguistic and media resources in family repertoires, creative practices of digital translanguaging, engagement in diaspora practices, and opportunities of digital communication for the development of children’s heritage language skills.

With an innovative perspective on ‘doing family’ in the digital age, this book will be of interest to students and scholars in multilingualism, sociolinguistics, digital communication, language and communication, and language and media.


Digitalization and practices of inclusion

Illustration by Jessica Hansen

In collaboration with Jessica Hansen from Østfold University College and Espen Stranger-Johannessen from INN, the DigiMulti conference Digitalization and practices of inclusion was organized on 19 October 2022 around the following reflection:

New technologies are developed and implemented to solve a range of tasks in society, and digitalization processes exist in various contexts and forms. Technology is used to facilitate participation in different arenas, from mHealth and mobile banking services to improve living conditions to robot pets to improve elderly care and dementia patients’ care. Digitalization is often understood as the solution to several problems, but how does this play out in the practical technology use? Is the focus on hardware and software or on the human and social systems (cf. Warschauer 2003, p. 6)?

The concept of inclusion encompasses policies or ideologies “used by governments and other policymakers to change or improve schools, workplaces, housing, or other community institutions so as to adjust them to meet human diversity, and in particular, to embrace people who experience exclusion” (Haualand 2017, p. 317). The concept in itself is not unproblematic; who should “be included” and who is responsible for this inclusion, into what? In the seminar, we investigate practices of inclusion critically, examine and discuss empirical work and theoretical approaches in studies of technology’s role in practices of inclusion. Inclusion is thus considered as social practice, related to digitalization processes, and it is viewed from different theoretical perspectives, with a focus on educational contexts and linguistic aspects of inclusion (Krüger et al. 2021, etc.).

It was a hybrid event with speakers and guests from Lithuania, Sweden, Zambia and Norway. Many thanks to research assistant Florian Gorqaj for his invaluable help!

Florian Gorqaj in front, with some of the participants in the back

The programme was as follows:

11.00-12.45: Digitalization in and of education

11.00-11.30      Christina Olin-Scheller (Karlstad University / INN): Literature teaching via social media: The quality of dissemination and use of digital lesson planning at lower secondary school

11.30-12.00     Florence Namasinga Selnes (OsloMet): Digitalization as a driver of inclusion in education: Experiences from a journalism training institution in Uganda during the COVID-19 (online presentation)

12.00-12.30     Stine Brynildsen and Sonja Nygaard-Joki (HIOF): Adult learners’ experiences of using translanguage-enabling technology in second language acquisition

13.45-15.00    Media use by children, youth and parents

13.45-14.15     Egle Celiešienė (Lithuanian College of Democracy) and Ebba Ossiannilsson (Swedish Association, for Open, Flexible and Distance Education): Digital Inclusion for All (DI4all)

14.15-14.45     Hilde Thyness (INN): Mediagrams for enhanced inclusion?

15.15-17.00     Multilingual perspectives

15.15-15.45      Jessica B. P. Hansen (HIOF): Video-mediated interpreting – a matter of efficient service provision or poor service quality?

15.45-16.15     Espen Stranger-Johannessen (INN): Multilingual digital stories as inclusion in practice

16.15-16.45     Kristin Vold Lexander (INN): Practices of inclusion in digital interaction at the multilingual workplace

Happy conference organizers

Our first publication is out!

Thyness, Hilde & Lexander, Kristin Vold (2023). Indexing the ‘included’ migrant? Social categorization and interpersonal digital interaction between labor migrants, teachers and employers in NorwayLanguage & CommunicationISSN 0271-5309. 88, p. 27–40.


Milepæl: Hilde Thyness’ midtveislesning vel overstått

Hilde Thyness og Marte Monsen i dialog om neksusanalyse

Professor Marte Monsen var midtveisleser for Hilde Thyness’ avhandling 16. juni 2022. Seansen ble innledet ved at Hilde presenterte prosjektet sitt, metode og til slutt neksusanalyse som overbygging for hele PhD-arbeidet før Marte gikk gjennom sin grundige vurdering av status i prosjektet. Gode spørsmål fra midtveisleser fulgt av velfunderte svar fra kandidaten ga tilhørerne muligheten til å følge en fin dialog som bekrefta at arbeidet er på rett vei og som inneholdt gode råd om hvor den går videre. Gratulerer, Hilde!  


WhatsInApp & DigiMulti collaborative visit

The last week of April, WhatsInApp project leader Professor Åsa Palviainen and WhatsInApp project associate Professor Xiao Lan Curdt-Christiansen visited Hamar and DigiMulti. What’s in the app. Digitally-mediated communication within contemporary multilingual families across time and space (WhatsInApp) is a 4-year project 2018-2022 funded by the Academy of Finland, running at the University of Jyväskylä. Kristin is international collaborator of the project, while Åsa is international collaborator of DigiMulti. Thanks to the combination of funding from the two projects, both Åsa and Xiao Lan could come to Hamar for two intensive workdays. Åsa gave a rich and very interesting lecture on nexus analysis to the research group ‘Language teaching and learning in multilingual contexts’ at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Åsa gave a great introduction to the tool, based on her own applications of nexus analysis. It was very interesting to learn about the range of possibilities application and inspiring to hear about Åsa’s different research projects.

There was additional participation by Professor Hilde Sollid from the MultiTrans project at the Arctic University of Norway and the four PhD students Lucy Mwesa, Josephine Musonda, Patricia Makina and Emmanuel Mwila from the University of Zambia, from the Literacy Education in Multilingual Settings project (NORPART funding).

In the same session, DigiMulti PhD fellow Hilde Thyness gave a trial presentation of her paper for the Nordand conference on Iceland in May 2022: Teachers’ negotiation of their role and responsibility for inclusion of multilingual parents. Xiao Lan acted as discussant. Many interesting reflections were made and Hilde is now ready to go for the 15th Nordand conference.

The second day, Hilde and Kristin presented the DigiMulti status quo, and Åsa and Xiao Lan gave feedback on various aspects of the project, helping us moving forward. Thank you very much for a lovely visit, Åsa Palviainen and Xiao Lan Curdt-Christiansen, leaving us inspired and hopeful about the future of the project!


Newsletter spring 2022

The autumn 2021 and winter 2022 have been very busy, therefore some delay in getting this newsletter out. A lot of the work is quite invisible, reading, writing, and editing, but there are also some events to report from.

In September, several exciting activities took place. Jannis Androutsopoulos visited us for a writing retreat (see picture and stay tuned for the result!), and Kristin carried out a digital PhD course on methodology Researching digital literacy practices – with 9 participants from Norway, Zambia and Iran/Luxembourg. Thanks to all participants for interesting discussions and reflections!

As part of the PhD course, but also as an independent event, we organized the digital seminar Digital languaging in the family– a seminar about online language practices in family contexts with thought-provoking presentations by Xiao Lan Curdt-Christiansen, University of Bath, Fatma Said, Zayed University, Sabine Little, Sheffield University, Maria Obojska, Universtiy of Luxembourg, Åsa Palviainen, University of Jyväskylä, Andreas Stæhr with Lian Malai Madsen, Astrid Ag and Janus Spindler Møller, University of Copenhagen. Slides from the presentations can be found here. The seminar ended with an interesting panel discussion with the participants Jannis Androutsopoulos, University of Hamburg/MultiLing University of Oslo, Ana Deumert, University of Cape Town/Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Elizabeth Lanza, MultiLing University of Oslo and Li Wei, University College London. More than 70 participants from different countries on different continents registered for the event, demonstrating how we can meet across borders in digital ways. A big thanks to everyone involved!

In December, Ana Deumert was welcomed as professor II to INN in a digital seminar where Hilde and Kristin participated. Some of her work time will be used to support Hilde’s PhD work. Thank you so much, Ana! We have also included Florian Gorqaj as research assistant to the project – welcome, Florian!

In the autumn, the local DigiMulti team participated in the annual writing retreat of the research group that we are part of, Language Didactics in Multilingual Contexts. There, Hilde and Kristin started drafting a paper based on the presentation at the 17th Conference of the International Pragmatics Association. It has now been submitted for peer review.

In November, Kristin also participated in a workshop by the Horizon 2020 project MATILDE in Sør-Fron community with representatives from various local stakeholders and citizens to discuss policy measures to enhance inclusion with a specific focus on rural and mountain regions. The workshop was followed up by a roundtable discussion in March in which Kristin also took part. It is interesting and important to discuss how research results can be used to develop specific actions with the perspectives from different parties involved.  

In the new year, there has been another writing retreat with Jannis Androutsopoulos, in February. The same month, Kristin lectured at the MultiLing Winter School organized by Haley de Korne, Oliwia Szymanska and Michela Iacorossi. This year’s topic was Communication in the multilingual workplace. Kristin presented “Digital interaction and multilingualism at work. Lithuanians in rural Norway”, and took part in the panel on research-practice relationship.

«To round up the newsletter, we will present some of our plans for the spring and summer. Hilde will present at both Nordand on Iceland in May, a presentation titled: “Teachers’ negotiation of their responsibility for inclusion of multilingual parents” and at the Sociolinguistic Symposium (SS24) in Ghent in July ““We get to know each other better”. Mediagrams for enhanced social inclusion?”. Kristin will also present at SS24, under the title “Constructing multilingual workplace identities in digital communication”, and will moreover give a guest lecture at the University of Bern in April with the title “Multilingual texting in a Senegalese context. Negotiating voices and relationships”. Toward the end of April, DigiMulti will host two guests, Åsa Palviainen and Xiao Lan Curdt-Christiansen. Among the activities is a nexus analysis workshop and a discussion of Hilde’s presentation of an article in preparation. We really look forward to finally realize this visit, which has been postponed because of the covid-19 pandemic.

As we are writing this newsletter, there is war in Europe, and we cannot but hope for peace. From the DigiMulti understanding, Lithuanian work migrants’ linguistic repertoire provide a valuable resource when Ukrainian refugees come to different communities in Inland Norway, and we see that this can be part of the resources mobilised for inclusion of the newly arrived.  


Summer greetings 2021

Winter and spring 2021 has been busy with data collection and preparations for the summer’s conferences. Some data collection was moved online, some was carried out IRL, in accordance with national rules. Ačiū to all participants for their efforts!

Hilde og Kristin har deltatt på to store internasjonale – og digitale – konferanser, den 17. internasjonale pragmatikk-konferansen – med felles presentasjon rundt tema ekskludering og inkludering i kommunikasjon og det 13. internasjonale symposiet om tospråklighet med hver vår presentasjon. Spennende, inspirerende og stimulerende!

Screenshot IPrA, with panel organizers Florian Busch and Cornelia Bock, third organizer: Naomi Truan. Photo by Florian Busch.

Kristin and Hilde attended the 17th International Pragmatics Conference, 27. juni – 2. Juli, in a panel with the title “Indexing exclusion through style”. The focus for our presentation was on written digital communication between Lithuanian migrants and their Norwegian interlocutors, both employees, employers, colleagues, teachers and parents. Issues that we shed some light on were how the use of punctuation and emojis can contribute to negotiate relationships, and how the interlocutors align with each other’s spelling, punctuation, text composition and use or non-use of emojis to display certain identities/belonging to certain social categories, such as being employee or competent parent, sometimes in contrast to stereotypes related to migrant worker. Many thanks to the panel organizers for a fruitful exchange!

Kristin og Hilde deltok med en felles presentasjon på 17th International Pragmatics Conference, 27. juni – 2. juli i et panel med tittel: “Indexing exclusion through style”. Her fokuserte vi på skriftlig digital kommunikasjon mellom litauere og nordmenn, både arbeidstakere, arbeidsgivere, kollegaer, foreldre og lærere. Vi så på hvordan deltakerne brukte tegnsetting og emojier i relasjonsbyggingen seg imellom. Et annet aspekt vi så på, var hvordan deltakerne brukte rettskriving, tegnsetting, meldingsoppsett og emojier til å vise tilhørighet til visse grupper, slik som ansatt eller kompetent forelder istedenfor stereotypier knyttet til kategorien arbeidsinnvandrer.

Both also attended the International Symposium on Bilingualism ISB13 with individual papers. Hilde took part in a panel where she presented work in progress from the project. The presentation took an exploratory and data-driven approach to how Darvin and Norton’s (2015) model of investment can guide the analysis of social inclusion. An interesting preliminary finding is that the Lithuanian migrants seem to assume the main responsibility for initiating contact with Norwegian interlocutors and to ensure a successful interaction with them.

Hilde deltok i et panel på konferansen International Symposium on Bilingualism ISB13 i juli, hvor hun undersøkte hvordan en spesifikk teoretisk modell kan brukes for å analysere inkludering. Modellen ser blant annet på hvordan innvandrere investerer i språklæring og i kontakt med folk fra det landet de migrer til. Et interessant foreløpig funn synes å være at de litauiske migrantene ser ut til å ta hovedansvaret for å få kontakt med nordmenn og for å sikre at kommunikasjonen dem imellom er vellykket.

Kristin analyzed interview and interactional data to investigate relationship building in digital workplace interaction through choice of tool and linguistic resources. This included farmwork interaction, a group chat from a hotel restaurant, and SMS exchanges in cleaning work. Bulding on research on relational work and polymedia theory, Kristin suggested the practices observed can be called polymediated relational work.

Kristin analyserte intervju- og interaksjonsdata for å undersøke relasjonsbygging i digital kommunikasjon på arbeidsplassen. Hun kombinerte pragmatikk og media-antropologi for å se på både valg av digitalt verktøy og språklige ressurser i ulike kommunikasjonssituasjoner (på en gård, i en hotellrestaurant, i renhold i private hjem) og foreslo begrepet polymediert relasjonsarbeid som en betegnelse dere både verktøy og språk ses i sammenheng.

We had the pleasure of learning from Ramune Leonaviciene’s BA thesis in the programme for pre-school teachers, where she interviewed Lithuanian mothers about their experiences with digital home-pre-school interaction in Norway. Its Norwegian title is: Litauiske foreldres opplevelse av inkludering gjennom digital kommunikasjon i barnehagen, and she has written a

Summary in Lithuanian (English and Norwegian summaries follow below the picture of Ramune):

Bendradarbiaujant su šiuo projektu, turėjau galimybę parašyti bakalaurą apie tai kaip lietuviai tėvai patiria įtrauktį skaitmeninių priemonių pagalba darželyje. Bakalauro tikslas buvo išsiaiškinti kokia kalba, kokiomis aplikacijomis ir komunikacijos formomis tėvai bendrauja su darželio darbuotojais, kaip ši komunikacija įtakoja tarpusavio santykius ir kaip tai paveikia tėvų įtrauktį.

Mediagram, Ramune Leonaviciene

Rašydama darbą atlikau kelis interviu su tėvais, kurie kalba norvegiškai. Todėl mano darbo išvados yra susiję tik su komunikacija, kai tėvai supranta norvegiškai ir bendrauja šia kalba su darželio darbuotojais. Bakalaure naudojau diagramas, kurios parodo kokiomis aplikacijomis, komunikacijos formomis ir kuria kalba yra bendraujama darželyje. Pateiktas pavyzdys rodo kaip dauguma lietuvių tėvų bendrauja su darželio darbuotojais ir kitaip grupės tėvais. Įprasta, kad darželiai naudoja programas, kuriose darbuotojai pateikia tokią informaciją kaip savaitės planas, kvietimas į tėvų susirinkimą arba asmeninį pokalbį, nuotraukos su vaikų darbeliais ir pan. Atlikus interviu taip pat paaiškėjo, kad jei vaikas suserga arba darbuotojai nori susisiekti skubiai, tada komunikacija vyksta telefonu. Kad ir kaip naudinga skaitmeninė komunikacija bebūtų, tėvai per interviu pasakojo, kad tiesioginė kominukacija yra visada svarbi. Tačiau kad tėvai jaustų įtrauktį ir socialinę lygybę, didelę įtaką turi darželio darbuotojų bendravimo būdas. Nuoširdumas, atvirumas, pagarba, supratimas yra keli iš svarbių bendravimo bruožų, kuriuos paminėjo tėvai. Įtraukties jausmui įtakoja ir kultūrinis aspektas. Kai kurie tėvai sugebėjo per daug metų priprasti prie norvegiškos kultūros, bet kai kuriems kultūrinis skirtumas trukdo jaustis įtrauktiems į bendravimą su darželio darbuotojais.

Tiek skaitmeninė tiek tiesioginė komunikacija tarp tėvų ir darželio darbuotojų yra be galo svarbi bendradarbiavimo dalis, todėl tarpusavio supratimas ir pagarba yra būtina norint kad tėvai jaustų įtrauktį.

Ramune Leonaviciene

English summary of the BA thesis:

The theme of the thesis is Lithuanian parents’ experience of inclusion through digital communication in kindergarten. The problem is elucidated through theory and interviews with two Lithuanian parents who have children in kindergarten.
To create good parental cooperation, it is important that the parents are included in the kindergarten community regardless of their background. Both direct and digital communication are a big part of collaboration and parental inclusion. Through the surveys, it has emerged that the parents’ experience of inclusion through digital communication varies. Both understand that digital information from kindergarten is a great way to inform parents about what is important. But the parents prioritize direct communication and private messages with the kindergarten where they can find out how the child is doing. The parents also experience that it is important to know Norwegian because it affects communication.

Norsk sammendrag av bacheloroppgaven:

Temaet for oppgaven er litauiske foreldres opplevelse av inkludering gjennom digital kommunikasjon i barnehagen. Problemstillingen blir belyst gjennom teori og intervjuer med to litauiske foreldre som har barn i barnehagen.
For å skape et godt foreldresamarbeid er det viktig at foreldrene er inkludert i barnehage samfunnet uavhengig av deres bakgrunn. Både direkte og digital kommunikasjon er en stor del av samarbeid og foreldres inkludering. Gjennom undersøkelsene har det kommet frem at foreldrenes opplevelse av inkludering gjennom digital kommunikasjon varierer. Begge to forstår at digital informasjon fra barnehagen er en fin måte å informere foreldrene om det som er viktig. Men foreldrene prioriterer direkte kommunikasjon og private meldinger med barnehagen hvor de kan få vite hvordan det går med barnet. Foreldrene opplever også at det er viktig å kunne norsk fordi det påvirker kommunikasjon.

Vi gleder oss til noen uker fri og så gå på høsten med nytt PhD-kurs og digital mini-konferanse om digital språkbruk i familiekonteksten 23. september. Men først: Gerų atostogų! God sommer! Happy summer!




As the first DigiMulti year is coming to an end and another begins, we would like to thank our collaborators and participants and say a few words about the project so far and the plans for the new year.

DigiMulti, “Digital interaction and multilingualism at work and in school – the case of Lithuanians in rural Eastern Norway”, is a Young Research Talents project financed by the Research Council of Norway, hosted by Norway Inland University of Applied Sciences (INN) 2020-2024. We collect interview and digital interaction data with migrants of Lithuanian origin living in Inland Norway, as well as with their Norwegian interlocutors, in order to study inclusion in school and work contexts.

The main researchers are principal investigator Kristin Vold Lexander, PhD fellow Hilde Thyness, and professor Lise I. Kulbrandstad. Kristin leads the project and studies digital interpersonal workplace interaction (sub-project a), while Hilde looks at home-school collaboration (sub-project b). In the first phase of the project, Lise takes part in supervision and guidance.  

We are pleased to have international collaborators Jannis Androutsopoulos, Egle Celešienė, Jim Cummins, and Åsa Palviainen on board. Further, Christiane Seehausen from Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue and Mari Rysst from INN will assist us in the organisation of two dissemination events. We would also like to thank Julie Kilde Mjelva, responsible for following up on economics together with Camilla Tømta, Lucrezia Gorini, research advisor who helped with the proposal, Hege Taarud, and the research group Language teaching and learning in multilingual contexts that we are part of.

At the start of the project, we planned an intensive course in Lithuanian language in Vilnius. Like other plans this year, it had to be substituted by online interaction and we thank Jolanta Markeviciene for great teaching on Messenger! Rūta Mataitytė translated our informed consent forms to Lithuanian. A total of 16 participants have accepted to join the project to do interviews with mediagrams (Lexander & Androutsopoulos 2019) and share digital interactions. Thank you so much for your willingness to participate, and for all the interesting conversations with you so far – ačiū!

The preliminary results and research design of the project have been presented at the internal language research conference at INN: SpINN. Hilde here presented “Digital kommunikasjon og språk i skole-hjemsamarbeidet”. Kristin also presented “Digital interaction and translanguaging at the rural workplace” at the 2nd International Conference on Internet Pragmatics hosted by the University of Helsinki in October. She is part of the editorial team for the conference publication. At the Jeunes chercheurs conference Langue(s) en mondialisation. Libre(s) échange(s) à l’heure néolibérale (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3) in November, Kristin gave a paper entitled “Echanges numériques plurilingues en milieu rural norvégien – pratiques d’inclusion ?”. Further, she presented at a teacher conference in Vilnius, organised by Egle Celešienė in August.

Both data collection and dissemination will be important activities in 2021. We look forward to new conversations with the participants when the situation permits. Hilde will present her work at the International Symposium on Bilingualism 13, in a thematic session on ‘Bilingual family communication in the digital flux’ organised by Åsa Palviainen and Xiao Lan Curdt-Christiansen, and Hilde and Kristin will present together at the 17th International Pragmatics Conference in the panel ‘Indexing exclusion through style’ organised by Florian Busch, Cornelia Bock, and Naomi Truan.    

We will also develop a new methodology course for the PhD in teaching and teacher education to run in the autumn.   

To end this newsletter, we would like to say thanks to all of you for your support. Please check out our multilingual website digimulti.inn.no which will be used for updates as we move on with the project.

All the best for 2021,

Kristin, Hilde and Lise

Work in progress: mediagram of participant 9, version 1 after first meeting


Sveiki! Welcome to the DigiMulti website. Here you will find information, updates and presentations. Kontakt oss gjerne hvis du vil delta i prosjektet!

Skaitmeninė komunikacija ir kalba darbo vietoje. Darbo imigrantai iš Lietuvos Innlandet apskrityje

Kristin Vold Lexander, prosjektleder
Hilde Thyness, stipendiat

Welcome to the DigiMulti website!

This website is dedicated to the DigiMulti project: Digital interaction and multilingualism at work and in school: The case of Lithuanians in rural Eastern Norway. The project is carried out at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences from 2020-2024 and funded by the Norwegian Research Council through FRIPRO and its Young Research Talents scheme. Please follow us on our scientific journey to examine language, inclusion and digital interaction of Lithuanian immigrants in Norway!


@ klexanders

Lise Iversen Kulbrandstad, professor

In Norwegian policy documents, Norwegian language competence is singled out as the one crucial factor for successful inclusion of immigrants. Is it really that simple? This project will look at factors related to language competence, but not in a Norwegian-speaking/not Norwegian-speaking perspective. We instead investigate how digital communication between migrants and Norwegians is carried out and how this affect social equality in two key domains of integration: the workplace and the school setting.  

Within a short time, Lithuanians have become the second largest group of immigrants in Norway. They distinguish themselves from most other groups through settling down mainly outside of Oslo, in localities where they represent a welcome addition to the local work force and contribute to the number of pupils in the local schools. However, not much research has been carried out to study Lithuanians in Norway, nor the specificities of inclusion in the rural Inland context. The current project aims at filling this gap. It is divided into two sub-projects that will examine questions of inclusion and equality in interpersonal digital interaction in two different domains. Sub-project a focuses on digital interaction in the work context, sub-project b looks at the school setting (see figure). 

I dette prosjektet ser vi på hvordan nordmenn og litauiske arbeidsinnvandrere kommuniserer med SMS, Messenger, WhatsApp og andre apper. Hvilke språk bruker de? Hvilke apper? Skriver eller snakker de sammen? Sender de bilder, videoer og talemeldinger? Hva kommuniserer de om? Målet er å finne ut hva slags kommunikasjon som bidrar til inkludering og gode relasjoner og hva slags kommunikasjon som bidrar til ekskludering. Kristin ser på kommunikasjon på jobb, og Hilde ser på kommunikasjon mellom skole og foreldre. For å undersøke dette har vi samtaler der både litauere og de norske de kommuniserer med forteller om kommunikasjonen. I tillegg deler de skjermdumper av kommunikasjonen med oss. Vi vil også arrangere gruppesamtaler der litauere og nordmenn diskuterer temaet.

Hei, verden!

Vi har nå oppretta nettside for DigiMulti – stay tuned for updates. Pagarbiai, Kristin